
School Air Purifier Experts from Camfil explaining City M Air Purifier video & Mid-Atlantic Schools Case Study

Air purifiers have become a hot ticket item due to the role of proper air filtration and ventilation in preventing the spread of COVID-19 infections. However, many of the products that have appeared in response to this demand don’t use actual HEPA filters, much less deliver the circulation necessary to protect you from airborne COVID-19 infected particles.

While actual HEPA filters should capture 99.995% of particles of the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) and be individually factory tested and certified, the term HEPA is largely unregulated, leading many manufacturers to falsely claim to use ‘true’ HEPA filters in their air cleaners or air purifiers.

Furthermore, lower-cost units can turn out to be significantly more expensive in the long run compared to their seemingly pricier counterparts.

In a new video, Camfil USA air purifier experts explain the factors beyond the initial purchase price that should be considered when choosing which air purifier unit to use, such as:

  • The unit’s operational efficiencies.
  • The certified particle capture efficiency of the HEPA air filters used in the unit.
  • The filter lifetime and frequency of replacement.
  • The air changes per hour (ACH) that the unit delivers.
  • The unit’s energy consumption.
  • Case Study – Camfil Introduces City M Air Purifiers to Mid-Atlantic Schools.
  • Camfil worked with a Mid-Atlantic school district to improve air quality in the district’s buildings. Camfil introduced the school district to the City M air purifier, an in-room air purification unit that uses HEPA filtration and is capable of moving 256 cubic feet of purified air per minute.
  • After almost 2000 measurements, it was determined that particle counts in all three size ranges were reduced significantly by the City M. Additionally, the City M units were able to deliver an average of two additional air changes per hour in the classrooms which is an improvement in ventilation rates.


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