
Empowering India’s Pediatric Eye Care: Orbis and Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences Unveil Manual on Mapping Resources

Blindness prevention non-profit Orbis has joined forces with Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to unveil a manual aimed at mapping and improving human and material resources in India’s pediatric eye care sector. The manual, “Mapping of Human Resource and Infrastructure for Pediatric Eye Care Services in India”, was developed in response to growing concern about the availability of manpower and infrastructure in the country’s eye healthcare industry.

The manual provides data on the availability of pediatric eye care services and infrastructure, including the number of ophthalmologists and eye care institutes in each district, as well as information on ownership, facilities, and services offered. The manual was developed with support from the All-India Ophthalmological Society, which provided a database of ophthalmologists. The results of a 2020 national survey on HR and infrastructure mapping for eye health in India, which was included in the India Vision Atlas, also informed the manual.

“Mitigating childhood blindness requires assessing and bridging the gap in service delivery through mapping of resources and infrastructure followed by informed decision making,” said Dr. Jeevan Singh Titiyal, Chief of Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences. “The manual on Mapping of Human Resource and Infrastructure for Pediatric Eye Care Services is an effort towards providing evidence-based information to strengthen the training needs for pediatric eye care services in the country,” added Dr. Praveen Vashist, Professor and Officer In-charge of Community Ophthalmology at Dr. R.P. Centre.

Orbis and Dr. R.P. Centre have a long history of working together to boost pediatric eye care in India, including a 2006 national survey on HR & Infrastructure for Control of Childhood and Corneal Blindness, the establishment of a Children’s Eye Centre at Dr. R.P. Centre, and involvement in strategic planning for Orbis partners under the Eye Care Management project.

Derek Hodkey, President and CEO of Orbis, commented, “We’re thrilled with the extent of work being done in partnership with Dr. R.P. Centre and the insights captured in this manual on ‘Mapping of Human Resource and Infrastructure for Pediatric Eye Care Services in India.” Dr. Rishi Raj Borah, Country Director of Orbis, added, “This publication in collaboration with Dr. R.P. Centre provides an in-depth analysis and insight on trends of pediatric eye care services across different geographies in India.”

The manual is a crucial step in enhancing eye care service delivery in India, and will play a vital role in the development of the pediatric eye care sector in the country. With improved mapping and analysis of human and material resources, the manual will help to ensure that children receive the best possible eye care and prevent avoidable blindness.


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