
FEELM Promotes Eco-friendly Approaches at UK’s Premiere Vaping Sector Environmental Summit

FEELM, a leading technology brand, delivered a speech at the UK Vaping Industry Association’s inaugural ‘Greenprint for Sustainable Vaping’ summit. The virtual event spanned three hours and highlighted the necessity of compliance, cooperation, innovation, and regulatory adjustments to address the industry’s environmental challenges.

The summit’s objective is to develop a Greenprint for Sustainable Vaping that spurs environmental action in support of an eco-friendly vaping sector. The agenda included proposals for establishing a national recycling and waste management infrastructure tailored to the vaping industry, encouraging innovative vape technologies that simplify recycling and reuse, and promoting retailer and consumer engagement in vape product recycling and reuse.
FEELM Advocates for Environmental Responsibility

As a subsidiary of SMOORE, the worldwide frontrunner in atomization technology solutions, FEELM underscored the significance of sustainable growth and urged collective environmental efforts at the UK’s first-ever summit centered on ecological accountability.

Echo Liu, European Division Director for FEELM, stated: “The involvement of all industry partners is crucial for environmental protection, including manufacturers, brand owners, retailers, delivery companies, and waste management firms. We must offer eco-friendly vaping solutions and address the prevalent problem of disposable vapes being irresponsibly discarded.”

UKVIA Director General John Dunne remarked: “This summit demonstrated the need for further education from both consumer and industry standpoints.

“It is essential for regulators, the industry, and those handling the recycling and environmental aspects of this issue to unite in seeking a shared solution because this problem will not disappear without action.

“Much common ground was discovered at this summit, and the priority now is to ensure all importers, manufacturers, and retailers of vaping products take responsibility and comply with all environmental requirements.”

The Significance of Implementing Recycling Strategies

As a top-tier technology brand, FEELM is dedicated to advancing sustainable practices with its partners.

Echo explained: “Recognizing the potential damage caused by vapes in landfills, we have taken on the responsibility of devising a plan to minimize the environmental impact.”

Echo emphasized the importance of increasing consumer awareness of their vital role in recycling and called on other companies in the vape industry to collaborate in expediting environmental progress.

Echo noted that FEELM’s sustainable strategy allows partners to achieve enhanced social and business outcomes, building trust and loyalty among consumers, differentiating the brand from competitors, saving costs, improving product quality, and adhering to government regulations.


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