Mental Health

Manasthali’s Role in Facilitating Mental Health Wellness During Pregnancy

Pregnant woman receiving mental health support

Pregnancy, while a joyous occasion, can also be a difficult journey for many women. More so for those with pre-existing mental health disorders. With research showing an increase in prenatal depression and anxiety disorders among pregnant women, organizations like Manasthali play an essential role in providing necessary mental health support during these challenging times.

Under the leadership of Dr. Jyoti Kapoor, Manasthali assisted a young woman, grappling with pre-existing mental health conditions, in her pregnancy journey. By creating a personalized and comprehensive care plan, the organization has emphasized the necessity of a holistic approach in addressing such issues.

This proactive involvement by Manasthali not only highlights the importance of mental health during pregnancy but also sets a precedent for other organizations to follow. Manasthali’s initiative reinforces the necessity for mental health inclusivity in healthcare services, fostering a healthier society for all.


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