
ZS declares 1st runner-up for the healthcare innovation program ZS Prize to OmniPD, a portable dialysis solution for renal patients

OmniPD, a portable peritoneal dialysis cycler, innovated by Padmaseetha Technologies, received a runner-up trophy at ZS’s inaugural healthcare innovation program – ZS PRIZE on 2 July 2021. Patients who are undergoing dialysis will now be able to perform the procedure any time, anywhere with the aid of a portable peritoneal cycle. It is designed to provide simple, safe, self-managed dialysis to renal patients in low-resource environments.

In India, about 2,00,000 renal patients are admitted to hospitals every year, who depend on dialysis. Due to a lack of affordable and accessible solutions, more than 90% of the patients suffer and remain devoid of proper medical care. But with the help of OmniPD, patients can always stay connected with their doctors through a cloud-based patient management system. All the dialysis data is stored at the back end and timely alerts are sent for better preventive care. It also allows patients to manage dialysis on their own, keeping caretakers up-to-speed with their progress. Using this method, patients can simplify their process and live a normal life, as they can perform dialysis during the night, leaving their days free.

Speaking about the solution, Gowrishankar Wuppuluru, Founder and CEO of OmniPD, said, “OmniPD was conceived by helping a close relative undergoing peritoneal dialysis, followed by further discussions with doctors, technicians and fellow patients. User Studies on OmniPD, published in 2020, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) titled, ‘Design research for medical devices in low resource environments’, showed that in order to enhance the quality of care for patients, a portable solution is needed that could provide automatic information to caregivers/doctors while being portable, safe, easy to use and affordable. Thus, OmniPD was born in response to that urgent need.”

In the award ceremony, Sanjay Joshi, Regional Managing Principal, and Asia head – ZS, said, “ZS PRIZE showcased the many sharp young minds in India who are working hard to create innovations that can improve healthcare accessibility and affordability. The jury was impressed by the sheer number of submissions that we received. The qualities of the ideas along with the compassion to work for the greater good of the country are highly commendable. We believe that ZS PRIZE will serve as a catalyst to further accelerate and promote such innovations to improve the lives of millions across India.”


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