Doctors & Hospitals

AyurVAID Hospitals Receives QAI Accreditation for its Transition Care Centre

AyurVAID Hospitals team with QAI Accreditation Certificate

AyurVAID Hospitals, a pioneer in precision Ayurveda and a well-recognized healthcare group in India, has earned yet another prestigious accreditation, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to quality healthcare. The AyurVAID Hospital in Domlur, Bengaluru, became the first Ayurveda hospital to be accredited by the Quality and Accreditation Institute (QAI), under the Transition Care Centre (TCC) Standard on May 20, 2023.

This milestone is historic for two primary reasons. Firstly, the QAI, an institutional member of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), has recognized an Ayurvedic healthcare provider for the first time. This illustrates a growing acceptance and recognition of traditional and alternative healing practices in the mainstream healthcare sector. Secondly, this accreditation is significant as it acknowledges AyurVAID’s contribution towards integrative care, demonstrating the vital role it can play in managing a range of health conditions.

AyurVAID Hospitals, known for its rigorous quality systems and process-documentation-driven Ayurveda medical care, continues to set benchmarks for others in the field. The QAI accreditation will undoubtedly augment AyurVAID’s mission to undertake research for standardization and validation of integrative and Ayurveda clinical protocols.

Rajiv Vasudevan, MD & CEO, AyurVAID, spoke enthusiastically about this achievement. He emphasized that their robust protocols determine patient eligibility, thereby ensuring best practices in patient care. The hospital is equipped to provide step-down-care for a wide range of ailments, from cancer and neurological disorders to rehabilitation from trauma, COVID-19, and sports injuries.

The benefits of Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, have been recognized globally. With institutions like AyurVAID leading the charge, the integration of Ayurveda in mainstream healthcare might well be the future.

With this recent accreditation, AyurVAID Hospitals adds another feather to its cap, proving yet again that Ayurvedic medical care is not just about tradition, but also about quality and standardization. As healthcare providers increasingly look towards holistic and integrated approaches to treat a variety of illnesses, AyurVAID’s achievements may well herald a new era in healthcare, one that embraces the best of both conventional and traditional practices.


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